Recently Dave and I took our Spring Break vacation in Italy. We were able to spend the first few days with some friends we knew from our Hong Kong days and enjoyed the beautiful peace and quiet of their place in Soriano, about 80 Kms north of Rome.
The view from Elizabetta & Adam's front door!
We spent just 1 day in Rome itself, and used it to visit the Vatican Museums, which included going through the Sistine Chapel. The halls and galleries of the Vatican Museums are absolutely loaded with wonderful artistic treasures.
One of the halls in the Vatican Museums.
The painted ceiling in one of the Vatican Museums' galleries.
The Sistine Chapel.
St. Peter's
After the 3 hours or so of going through the Vatican Museums we were ready for lunch and had a wonderful meal, finished off with a delicious coffee granita.
Enjoying my coffee granita!!
Our last 2 days were spent in Florence, seeing the sights and enjoying some more wonderful food. Michaelangelo's statue of David is truly magnificient and I'm so glad we were able to see it. Florence is a beautiful city and very easy to navigate around. The Duomo
Michaelangelo's "David"
Just some of the pork products we were able to indulge in while in Italy!!!!
Ever since making my first foray overseas in 1991, I knew that I wanted to see all that this world has to offer. Along with my husband David, and our son Ezekiel, I hope to eventually set foot on every continent.