With the birth of Ezekiel I have become aware of, and "seduced by" the counter-cultural world of MCD. But don't worry - there is no need for an intervention. MCD simply stands for
modern cloth diapers. In Australia it's MCN (modern cloth nappies), but it all means the same thing - an alternative to the gazillions of plastic, disposable baby buttwrappers that end up as land-fill.
The first company I came across, Eenee Designs (
http://www.eenee.com/), make the
Eenee Eco nappy which consists of a washable fabric cover and plastic liner, into which go a cloth or 100% biodegradeable nappy insert. I am proud to say this is an Australian company, from 'tree-hugger central', AKA Tasmania. Some years ago the company founders took their product to the ultimate land of consumerism, United States of America. In America these amazing nappies are called
gDiapers, and they have some very dedicated followers, including me and Zeke. Users call themselves gMums and gDads, have a yahoo group to talk about the product and swap ideas, and post photos of their babies wearing the diapers. And this is just the tip of the MCD iceberg.

Ezekiel wearing his 'good vibe stripe' gDiaper
When you begin to delve into this 'world', you soon learn there is a whole other vocab going on here - liners, boosters, AIO's, AI2's, pockets, flats and prefolds - just to name a few. And then there are the company's - bumGenius (http://www.bumgenius.com/), Fuzzi Bunz (http://www.fuzzibunz.com/), Tots Bots (http://www.totsbots.com/), Happy Heiny's (http://www.happyheinys.com/), Monkey Doodlez (http://www.monkeydoodlez.com/), Pea Pods (http://www.peapods.com.au/), plus many, many, MANY more.
Recently I found out that some bumGenius diapers (which MCD-er's rave about) are made here in Egypt, so now I going to procure some of these direct from the factory and give them a try.

the gold standard in MCD's - bumGenius